What You Need to Know About CX Survey Invitations

What You Need to Know About CX Survey Invitations

Today, most companies seem to recognize that customer experience (CX) is an essential element of their business. They’ve taken first steps into building a CX foundation by inviting customers to participate in surveys and offer feedback. But companies could gain...
Are Your Customers Secretly Unhappy with Your Brand?

Are Your Customers Secretly Unhappy with Your Brand?

Customer service teams handle complaints every day. Even so, consumer studies indicate that most unhappy customers don’t take their concerns to companies that disappoint them. A popular metric in the customer experience (CX) community suggests that for every one...
7 Steps to Fix a Broken CX Metrics Program

7 Steps to Fix a Broken CX Metrics Program

On the surface, customer experience (CX) seems like an intangible concept. Even industry experts agree that emotions are the heart of experiences. Still, experts concur that establishing a CX metrics program is vitally essential for lasting success. A solid CX...
5 Small CX Actions That Can Yield Big Results

5 Small CX Actions That Can Yield Big Results

When done well, a mature Customer Experience (CX) program touches every corner of an organization. Companies less far along the CX path can find it challenging to contemplate that potential future. By selecting targeted, but small CX actions companies can achieve...
CX Conversation: CX Program Effectiveness

CX Conversation: CX Program Effectiveness

3 CX Practices That Yield the Best ROI eTouchPoint Today’s organizations must implement effective CX programs to meet growing customer expectations for an exceptional customer experience. Great CX programming not only satisfies customers, but also ensures a worthwhile...
Using Corporate-Wide CX Metrics in Your CX Program

Using Corporate-Wide CX Metrics in Your CX Program

Customer Experience (CX) is a complex practice, and to succeed at CX organizations need a shared vision that unites the efforts of their customer-facing teams.  They also need a set of standard CX metrics to evaluate CX performance in a meaningful and systematic way...
Why You Need a CX Relationship Survey

Why You Need a CX Relationship Survey

ind Customer experience (CX) is evolving. And how companies gather customer feedback is evolving as well. In the past, many businesses relied solely on a periodic relationship survey to gauge customer happiness. These surveys could cover a wide range of topics, but...
Five Best Practices to Tighten Field Service Appointment Windows

Five Best Practices to Tighten Field Service Appointment Windows

Guest post from Mark Wilburn, CTO of SkyCreek Corporation. In a recent study, Accenture labeled the current consumer environment the “Switching Economy.” The reasons: customers often see little differentiation between brands, can easily gain information on...