Whether you’re just starting out in customer experience (CX) or have an established program, you can apply proven best practices to accelerate your CX initiatives. In this video replay of our CX webinar 100 Days to a Next-Level CX Program, you will learn about...
4 Practical Tips to Win Support for Closed Loop Alerting eTouchPoint CX-savvy companies know that resolving the concerns of unhappy customers can improve customer satisfaction and boost business outcomes. Adopting closed loop alerting (CLA) practices can be a true...
Over two decades ago, writing in the Harvard Business Review, Frederick Reichheld—best known as the creator of the Net Promoter Score ® measurement approach— stated that companies should learn all they could from customer defections. However, he noted, companies...
Are Your Customers Secretly Unhappy with Your Brand? eTouchPoint You may feel your company handles customer complaints effectively. But what about unspoken negative sentiment? Can you uncover and address “silent complainers” too? Learn how latent...
“More than one-third of businesses will restructure to shift to customer-obsessed operations.” ~Forrester 2017 As businesses evolve to focus on a customer-centric model, every company must adapt based on customer feedback. Some companies have made initial...
Customer service teams handle complaints every day. Even so, consumer studies indicate that most unhappy customers don’t take their concerns to companies that disappoint them. A popular metric in the customer experience (CX) community suggests that for every one...
When done well, a mature Customer Experience (CX) program touches every corner of an organization. Companies less far along the CX path can find it challenging to contemplate that potential future. By selecting targeted, but small CX actions companies can achieve...
A poor experience with a brand is often a deal-breaker for customers. In fact, almost 90% of customers ceased doing business with a company after receiving poor service in a single year. On the upside, Accenture researched affirmed that nearly 70% of customers would...